Championing education for the very early years
Author: Richard Fletcher, Chris May, Jennifer St George
Description: Richard Fletcher, Chris May, Jennifer St George explore the psychological and physical changes in fathers triggered by pregnancy and birth and the impact of the involvement of fathers on their future relationships with mother and child. Conclusions arte drawn for antenatal education
Description writer: Richard Fletcher, Senior Lecturer, Family Action Centre Faculty of Health and Medicine. The University of Newcastle Australia. Chris May, Antenatal Facilitator, Family Action Centre Faculty of Health and Medicine, The University of Newcastle Australia. Jennifer St George Senior Research Academic, Family Action Centre Faculty of Health and Medicine The University of Newcastle Australia
TAG: Antenatal education for birth and early parenting
Author: Karen Morgan
Description: Karen Morgan discusses topics for inclusion in antenatal classes that men in the transition to fatherhood find useful and important.
Description writer: Karen Morgan, Chidbirth Educator, Brussels Childbirth Trust Belgium
TAG: Fathers, Antenatal education for birth and early parenting
Author: Jill Domoney, Jane Iles, Paul Ramchandani
Description: Jill Domoney, Jane Iles, Paul Ramchandani explore the detrimental impact of parental psychiatric disorder and inter-parent conflict on the environment in which children develop
Description writer: Jill Domoney, Clinical Psychologist and Research Associate Institute of Psychiatry King’s College London. Jane Iles, Clinical Psychologist Research Associate Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine London Paul Ramchandani Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine London
TAG: Mental Health, Fathers
Author: Nick Smithers
Description: Nick Smithers reflects on a fathers’ support project in North Edinburgh, Scotland, and implications for effective early years’ work
Description writer: Nick Smithers National Development Officer Abused Men in Scotland AMIS
Author: Geoff Allcock
Description: Geoff Allcock describes the work of Arcacia Family Support in helping fathers living with a partner suffering from postnatal depression or suffering with postnatal depression themselves
Description writer: Geoff Allcock Fathers Postnatal Support Co-ordinator, Acacia Family Support
Author: Adrienne Burgess
Description: Adrienne Burgess explodes the five powerful myths which prevent maternity and early years services for including fathers and missing the opportunities to engage with them.
Description writer: Adrienne Burgess Joint CEO and Head of Research the Fatherhood Insititute
TAG: Fathers
Author: Alan McMaster, Raquib Ibrhaim, Stewart McLean
Description: Alan McMaster, Raquib Ibrhaim, Stewart McLeanexplore the barriers caused by policies, image and attitudes of service providers to practitioners encouraging fathers to take part in parenting programmes
Description writer: Alan McMaster, Dads Project Co-ordinator and Group Facilitator Mellow Parenting. Raquib Ibrhaim Mellow Bumps Project Co-ordinator,. Stewart McLean Trainer and Group Facilitator Mellow Parenting
TAG: Fathers
Author: Mark E. Feinberg
Author title: Professor
Description: Mark E. Feinberg, examines the reseach supporting the Family Foundations universal programme which supports expectant parents equipping them for a healthy transition to family life
Description writer: Mark E. Feinberg, Research Professor Prevention Research Center , The Pennsylvania State University USA
Author: Jeszemma Garratt
Description: Jeszemma Garratt describes supporting team-parenting through pre and post natal support. Experiences and observations from a two-year trial of the Family Foundations parenting programme in the UK
Description writer: Jeszemma Garratt, National Development Manager the Fatherhood Institute
Author: Kay Cram, Shona Gore
Description: Kay Cram, Shona Gore, explore how adults learn and the lessons learned from andragogy which can be applied to perinatal education. They discuss motivation to learn and the teachable moment during the transition to parenthood
Description writer: Kay Cram Birth and Parent Educator :University of Worcester UK. Shona Gore Birth and Parent Educator :University of Worcester
TAG: Antenatal education for birth and early parenting