FOCUS ON: Doulas and
re-imagining birth

An independent not for profit journal, supporting you to support parents in the first 1000 days.
IJBPE Volume 11 Issue 3 - Out now
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Supporting you to support parents in the first 1000 days

The IJBPE focuses on education and support for parents in the context of the critical 1000 days, covering pre-conception, pregnancy, labour, birth, perinatal mental health, infant feeding, early child development and parenting programmes.

Pregnancy and the first years of parenting are ‘a teachable moment’ when mothers and fathers are exceptionally open to making changes in their lives. Our readership comprises professional and lay people who want to make a difference to children’s lives by using their knowledge and skills to educate and support mothers and fathers as they make the transition to parenthood.

The Journal demonstrates how research can be applied in practice and every issue supports CDP via a reflective activity to engage readers more closely with the content of the articles.

We offer:

  • Articles from leading academics across the world explaining the current state of knowledge in the very early years
  • Articles presenting best practice in caring for families making the transition to parenthood
  • Challenging editorials from policy makers and key thinkers
  • Brief summaries of the latest research
  • Articles describing the work of third sector organisations caring for parents and children
  • Extracts from the latest books for practitioners and parents
  • Reflective tools
  • Teaching activities for use with parent groups

IJBPE Journal Supplements

For in-depth information on key topics.


Maternal gut microbiome and baby’s brain development

Maternal gut microbiome and baby’s brain development

Interest in and understanding of the role of gut bacteria in general health has grown in recent years. Researchers in Cambridge, UK, are investigating the influence of the mother’s microbiome during pregnancy on the developing foetus.

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Pretend play

Pretend play

When and how do babies understand and use the art of pretence and how might it enable their understanding of the world? 

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Six types of loves and how they activate the brain

Six types of loves and how they activate the brain

A study undertaken by researchers at Aalto University in Finland examined the way the brain reacts when an individual responds to thinking about feelings of love in different contexts and relationships.

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Introduction to The Journal

The International Journal of Birth and Parent Education is an independent, international, not for profit publication aimed at professionals and lay educators working across the transition to parenthood.

Founded eleven years ago by Professor of Perinatal Education, Mary Nolan, and Consultant Perinatal Educator, Shona Gore, the Journal is published quarterly and each issue explores key topics in the first 1000 days, including pre-conception education, education in pregnancy and for labour and birth, perinatal mental health, infant feeding, early child development and parenting programmes.


FREE Articles from the IJBPE

These articles are free for you to browse.

They illustrate some of the topics that the Journal covers and the way in which it covers them. We hope you find them interesting, informative and accessible.

Decision time for folic acid fortification: Intentionally inadequate vs fully effective

(Volume 11, Issue 3)

Dr Jonathan Sher - Column

Drumming for birth

(Volume 11, Issue 1)

Sophie Messager 
Why drumming is a powerful support tool for pregnancy and birth.

The need for a nuanced understanding of the digital world

(Volume 10, Issue 4)

Sally Hogg (Sally's Column)

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To purchase a single hard copy of the journal - select the journal you want here. Includes postage in UK only.

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