Focus on Education for Calm Parenting
Author: Mary Nolan
Author title: Professor
Description: Recent evidence-based programmes for education across the transition to parenthood place a strong emphasis on teaching relaxation to mothers and fathers as a skill for pregnancy, birth and life.
Description writer: Professor of Perinatal Education, University of Worcester; Editor-in-Chief, IJBPE
TAG: Antenatal education for birth and early parenting
Author: Sally Hogg
Description: Excessive crying in early infancy is associated with an increased risk of adverse outcomes for babies and their families This article argues that it is important to challenge traditional discourse and to support parents to care for their baby, rather than trying to ‘cure’ the cause of babies’ crying.
Description writer: Sally Hogg is currently on maternity leave from her role as Development Manager at the NSPCC and Vice Chair of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance. She recently completed a Master’s thesis on the impact of excessive infant crying.
TAG: Parenting
Author: Penelope Leach
Description: Many parents are attracted by the idea of ‘sleep training’ but Penelope Leach argues that the impact of early stress on the neurobiological development of the very young child may playa significant part in the onset of later psychiatric illness
Description writer: Psychologist specialising in child development and parenting
TAG: Parenting
Author: Peter Richards, Camilla Sanger, Carlos De Sousa, Sally Hogg
Description: Coping with Crying’ is a psycho-educational film that raises awareness about the risks of shaking babies, improves parental understanding about crying and promotes the use of positive coping strategies. The initial evaluation results are promising and the NSPCC is developing an approach for national scale up of the service to ensure that it is available to parents of all new babies.
Description writer: Peter Richards
NSPCC ‘Coping with Crying’ Implementation Manager, and colleagues Camilla Sanger, Carlos De Sousa, Sally Hogg
Author: Gail Allan
Description: Family Links is a UK national charity that enables parents and teachers to become more effective, caring and confident in raising emotionally resilient and socially competent children. Its Nurturing Programme, derived from the work of American child psychologist, Dr Stephen J Bavolek, has been challenging intergenerational dysfunction since the 1970s.
Description writer: Family Links Business Development Manager
Author: Shauna L. Tominey, Svea G. Olsen, Megan M. McClelland
Description: For infants and toddlers who lack a vocabulary through which to communicate their needs, expressing emotions plays an important role in letting their parents and caregivers know about their experiences with the world. Although we may not like to see our children having unpleasant emotions like anger, disappointment, or sadness, these emotions provide us with useful information.
Description writer: Shauna L. Tominey: Associate Research Scientist, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, USA
Svea G. Olsen; Research Assistant, Yale University, USA
Megan M. McClelland Katherine E. Smith Endowed Professor in Child Development, Oregon State University, USA
TAG: Babies’ and toddlers’ social, emotional and cognitive development
Author: Henrietta Otley
Description: Many healthcare providers may have an intuitive understanding of how to help teenage parents. However, few ever get specific training and may take on a Young Parents’ Clinic, with no particular training or education. Professor Joan Raphael-Leff’s course handbook (2012) may be helpful in influencing thinking and practice in such clinics.
Description writer: Young Parents’ Midwife, now a Family Nurse, Swindon, UK
TAG: Antenatal education for birth and early parenting
Author: Jenny Porter
Description: Relate is the UK’s largest provider of relationship support. Children can be the best thing in the world, and the hardest. They change lives forever, altering parents’ perspectives and priorities. Relate supports people during some of the most important moments of their journey as a parent.
Description writer: Relate Clinical Supervisor and Senior Practice Consultant for Children and Young People Services