Focus on Early Nutrition
Author: Professor Julie P Smith
Author title: Honorary Associate Professor, Research School of Population Health,
Australian National University
Description: For infants and young children, a diet which doesn’t include breastfeeding is an ‘alternative diet’.
Description writer: Honorary Associate Professor, Research School of Population Health, Australian National University
TAG: Infant and toddler feeding
Author: Helen Crawley
Description: Practical advice on how to manage a plant-based diet for infants and young children. Nutritional comparisons in alternative milks, considerations for a balanced vegan diet
Description writer: Helen Crawley, First Steps Nutrition Trust, UK
TAG: Infant and toddler feeding
Author title: Penny Reimers: I BCLC, Anna Coutsoudis: Professor Emeritus
Description: This article describes the selection, training and work of Feeding Buddies to support HIV positive women to achieve exclusive breastfeeding in South Africa
Description writer: Penny Reimers, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) , Anna Coutsoudis, Professor Emeritus, Department of Paediatrics & Child Health, University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa
TAG: Breastfeeding
Author: Gillian Harris
Author title: Consultant Clinical Psychologist; Honorary Senior Research Fellow,
Description: Understanding and managing fussy eating in toddlers and infants. How we define, understand and help eating behaviours in the very young.
Description writer: Consultant Clinical Psychologist; Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Birmingham, U.K.
Author: Amanda Benham
Author title: Dietician
Description: Evidence-based recommendations on meeting infants’ and young children’s nutrient needs on a vegan diet.
Description writer: Dietitian in private practice specialising in plant-based nutrition and paediatrics, Australia
TAG: Infant and toddler feeding
Author: Matthew Price, Jane Ellis
Author title: Matthew Price: Principal Clinical Psychologist, Jane Ellis, Assistant Psychologist
Description: This reflects some of the difficulties in working to support good mental health in infancy. This article describes a resource that helps practitioners to hold infants in mind.
Description writer: Matthew Price, Principal Clinical Psychologist – Little Minds Matter, Bradford Infant Mental Health Service, UK, Jane Ellis, Assistant Psychologist, Little Minds Matter, Bradford Infant Mental Health Service, UK
TAG: Antenatal education for birth and early parenting
Author: Julie Lanigan
Description: Helping children and families learn about healthy eating and physical activity, reach, maintain a healthy body weight and shape, and lower their risk of obesity.
Description writer: Principal Research Fellow and Honorary Paediatric Dietitian at the University College London Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, UK