Create a striking poster that contains information which is specifically tailored to fathers, partners and people supporting the birthing mother.

The competition is open to all our many readers in the UK and overseas, whether you are a midwife, health visitor, family visitor, Children’s Centre worker, psychologist, social worker, birth and early parenting educator, charity or voluntary sector organisation, or a student in the early years, health or social care.


Your poster could be displayed in a GP surgery, an antenatal or postnatal clinic, a Special Care Baby Unit or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, in a village hall or community centre, at a childbirth preparation class or in any suitable public space.


What do you think fathers, partners and support people need to know about? Where are the gaps in information provision? Your poster needs to offer information, advice and support specifically tailored to the people who aren’t going to give birth but who will be making the transition to parenthood alongside the birthing woman or person. The following are some suggestions (and they’re only suggestions):

  • Looking after your mental health
  • Preparing for labour and birth
  • Support for you after the baby is born
  • Maximising your preconception health
  • Getting to know your new baby

Please note that posters should NOT include any direct advertising for services.


Members of the IJBPE Editorial Board will select the 12 best posters to go before the Judging Panel in May 2022. The Judges are:

  1.  Chris May, University of Newcastle, Australia
  2. Marvyn Harrison, Dope Black Dads, UK
  3. Mark Williams, Mental Health Campaigner
  4. Sarah and Rachel Hagger-Holt – authors of ‘Pride and Joy: A Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Parents’
  5. Jeremy Davies, Fatherhood Institute, UK
  6. Brian Russell, Provincial Coordinator, Dad Central Ontario, Canada


Winners will be announced in the July issue of the Journal.

  • The winner will receive £500 and their  poster will be included  as an A2 hard copy with each hard copy of the July 2022 issue.
  • Five runners-up will each receive £100.
  • All winning posters will be displayed on the IJBPE website.


If you want further guidance about making your submission, please contact the IJBPE Manager, Bridget Supple, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Send your poster in pdf form along with your name/s, job title/s, email address/es, contact telephone number/s and postal address/es to Bridget Supple (IJBPE Manager) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please note that posters should NOT include any direct advertising for services


1. “IJBPE”, “we”, “us” and “ours” means the International Journal of Birth and Parent Education. The “Promoter” means the International Journal of Birth and Parent Education.

Who may enter?

The IJBPE Birth and First 1000 Days Poster Competition is open internationally for:
a) registered practitioners including midwives, health visitors, child and family health nurses, doctors, psychologists, nursery nurses, parent link workers, Children’s Centre staff, IBCLCs
b) students of the above professions
c) antenatal and early parenting educators working in hospitals, in the community and in the voluntary sector.

How to Enter

Send your poster in pdf form along with your name/s, job title/s, email address/es, contact telephone number/s and postal address/es to Bridget Supple (IJBPE Manager) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Prize:

  • The winner will receive £500 and their  poster will be included  as an A2 hard copy with each hard copy of the July 2022 issue.
  • Five runners-up will each receive £100.
  • All winning posters will be displayed on the IJBPE website.

Selecting the Winners:
3. The shortlisted nominations will be chosen from all eligible entries by a judging panel after May16th 2022 and the winners will be announced in the July edition

4. IJBPE will try to notify the shortlisted and overall winner of the competition by 1st July 2022 using the contact information submitted at entry. IJBPE reserve the right to remove any entrant selected as runner-up or overall winner if:

a) The entrant cannot be reached within 72 hours of sending an email
b) We reasonably believe that the nominee has directly or indirectly broken one of the competition rules
c) IJBPE reasonably believes that the nomination could risk damaging or be detrimental to the reputation of IJBPE, or in any way affects the name or goodwill of the IJBPE.

5. The runners-up and overall winner will receive their awards by cash transfer within 14 days of the announcement of the results of the competition.

6. The Judges’ decision is final; no correspondence will be entered into

Personal information:
7. IJBPE will only collect, store and process personal information of nominees for the purpose of administering the promotion, and not for any other purpose without your consent. This will not affect any existing subscription or marketing preferences that you have already registered with the IJBPE.

8. By entering this competition, you agree that your personal information may be transferred to our service providers and agents to store and use as necessary to administer the competition. We will never pass your information to any third party for use in their own marketing without your consent.

9. With the exception of runners-up and the overall winner, personal data relating to all nominees will be held on record for as short a period of time as necessary to administer the competition and then securely destroyed. The personal details of all winners will be held for a period of 6 years.

10. To the extent permitted by law, the IJBPE will not be liable for any loss, damage, injury or disappointment suffered in connection with this competition (including any damage to your or any other person’s computer, mobile phone, or video recording equipment as a consequence of accessing or submitting entries to the competition), or any delays or failure (in whole or in part) to perform any of its obligations if such delay or failure is caused by something beyond its reasonable control.

11. Owing to exceptional circumstances outside its reasonable control, IJBPE may choose to withdraw or amend the competition. If no entries are received, the competition will be closed without further notice.

12. By submitting an entry, you warrant that all information submitted as part of the entry is true, current and complete. IJBPE reserves the right to verify all entries.

13. These rules shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any disputes arising in relation to this competition.

14. The Promoter is  Birth and Parent Education Ltd, Charity Cottage, Stubbs Hill, Binfield, Berkshire RG42 5NP (Company Registration Number 09164338)


© 2020 The International Journal of Birth and Parent Education
REGISTERED OFFICE: 2 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, London WC2A 3TH

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