We are looking for an Editor!
The International Journal of Birth and Parent Education (IJBPE) is seeking an Editor based in the UK to work alongside an Australian Editor from July 2025.
This is a fantastic opportunity to support the ‘first 1000 days’ agenda and to gain editorial experience with a Journal that has a global reach. The IJBPE is committed to translating knowledge into practice for everyone working with new families.
The successful candidate will have an opportunity to build skills as an editor and writer; collaborate with colleagues in the academic and practice fields at home and abroad, and take forward this well-established Journal with the support of an excellent Management Team and Editorial Board.
- Launched in 2013 - now in its 12th volume
- Published quarterly (January, April, July, October); 40 pages
- Aimed at professionals working with parents across the critical 1000 days (midwives, health visitors, psychologists, social workers, Children’s Centre staff, birth and early parenting educators)
- Makes the latest research and best practice accessible to busy practitioners
- Over 68,000 hits on our website for our top 100 articles since 2019, and a further 87,000 hits via EBSCO from around the world, including Russia, Peru, Ireland, China, Scandinavia, the United States…...
- Has a theme for each issue (agreed at the annual Editorial Board meeting)*
- Has regular features (editorials; news items)
*Recent themes:
- Supporting parents during the cost-of-living crisis
- Parent education in the digital age
- Home birth and induction of labour
- Doulas and re-imagining birth
- Key concerns for parents in the first year
- Complementary therapies to support pregnancy, birth and early parenthood
- Parenting and parenting styles
- Fostering and adoption
To prepare each quarterly issue of the Journal:
- Commission articles in relation to the theme of the issue (6 major articles per issue)
- Support authors new to writing for publication
- Proof-read articles and edit as required (e.g. reduce the length of articles or ask authors for additional material)
- Ensure all photographs and illustrations to be used are correctly credited and have permission to be reproduced
- Keep in contact with authors to ensure their articles arrive by the deadline for submission
- Liaise with regular contributors to ensure they are aware of deadlines and that their items are received on time
- Liaise with the Journal’s Designer to plan the layout of each issue, edit proofs and resolve any issues that arise
TIME COMMITMENT: 4-5 hours a week. However, some weeks will require fewer hours and in the run up to publication, up to 10 hours may be required.
REMUNERATION: The role of Editor is voluntary but all legitimate expenses are paid and the Editorial Board has the discretion to award an annual honorarium.
- Writing and editing skills
- Knowledge of the critical 1000 days – pregnancy, labour and birth, early postnatal period
- Links to the academic and practice worlds
- Ability to collaborate
- Well organised and able to meet deadlines
- Previous experience on an Editorial Board (desirable but not essential)
Please send a brief statement of interest and a short CV to Bridget Supple, IJBPE Business Manager, by November 30th, 2024.
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Your expression of interest will be acknowledged and an opportunity to talk to the Editor and member(s) of the Management Team will be arranged.
We look forward to hearing from you